Recently I received what appeared to be a travel voucher in the mail. It had the appearance of a check and stated “pay to the order of American Airlines on behalf of (My Name)” and indicated the amount of $1,298.00. The vouchers attachments indicated that it was not a time share presentation and included a number to call. I called the listed number and spoke with an operator who told me that it was a travel company that wanted to give a presentation on a different way of taking vacations. We made an appointment and attended the presentation. The company behind this dog and pony show was VACATION SMART INTERNATIONAL. The presentation started out with introductions and then a slide show.
The presenter started with a slide that indicated the cost of the plan which was $12,999.00 + $299.00 yearly “maintenance” fee for four premium vacations. Which was NOT REALLY TRUE. Following slides were filled with various pieces of information describing the features of the program. One slide came up which indicated that vacations could be purchased at 55% to 75% off of retail. In other words the only thing you got for the $12,999.00 plus the $299.00 was the opportunity to purchase the vacation at 55% to 75% off of retail.
I was only briefly at the presentation because when I started asking questions about what I was getting for my $12,999.00 and the $299.00, the presenter started becoming very sarcastic and abusive with me. I was exposing their scam in front of the other attenders and she kicked me and my wife out of the presentation. Basically they were wanting an upfront fee of $12,999.00 for membership and a yearly fee of $299.00 all for the opportunity to purchase 4 “premium” vacations a year at a 55% to 75% reduced rate.
This company appears to be dishonest and does not want to be up front with their participants.